Percentage Change Calculator

The percentage change calculator is designed to calculate the percent(%) change (increase or decrease) between two given numbers.


About Percentage Change Calculator

The percentage change calculator is a free tool where you can determine the percent(%) change (increase or decrease) between the starting and final value. Also, it gives the difference between two given values and calculation steps.

Percentage Change Calculator

What is Percentage Change?

It's a percent(%) increase or decrease measured between two values. For example, if the final value increases X% from the starting value, we can say there is an X% change. Similarly, if the final value decreases Y% from the starting value, we can say there is a -Y% change. The positive change denotes an increase and the negative change denotes a decrease.

Percentage Change Formula

The percentage change is calculated using the following formula.

Percent Change =  
X2 - X1
  ×  100

X1 = Starting value
X2 = Final value

Let's take some examples.

Example 1:

Suppose, the starting value is $9500 and the final value is $12000. Calculate the percentage change between given values.


Starting value (X1) = $9500,
Final value (X2) = $12000.

Now, place the above values in the percentage change formula.

Percent Change =  
X2 - X1
  ×  100
12000 - 9500
  ×  100   =  26.31%

So, there is a 26.31% increment between the starting and final values.

Example 2:

Suppose, a product cost is $45 and there is a flat discount of $10 on the selling price. Calculate how much percent you saved.


Starting value (X1) = $45,
Final value (X2) = $45 - $10 (flat discount) = $35.

Percent Change =  
X2 - X1
  ×  100
35 - 45
  ×  100   =  -22.22%

Therefore, you saved 22.22% from the original price.

Example 3:

Suppose, we have a Starting value $100 and a Percentage change 20%. Calculate the final value based on the given parameters.


Starting value (X1) = $100,
Percent Change = 20%.

Percent Change =  
X2 - X1
  ×  100
20% =  
X2 - 100
  ×  100

X2 = 20 + 100 = 120

So, after a 20% change, the final value will be $120.

Also, you can use the following formula to directly calculate the final value.

Final Value(X2) =  
6 × 100

= 120

Our percentage change calculator can make your math calculations easier, faster, and more accurate. So, keep it handy and bookmark it for regular use.