Percentage Change Calculator

The percentage change calculator is designed to calculate the percent (%) change (increase or decrease) between two given numbers.


What is Percentage Change Calculator?

The percentage change calculator is a free tool that determines the percent increase or decrease between the starting and final values. Also, it gives the difference between two given values and calculation steps.

Percentage Change Calculator

What is Percentage Change?

It's a percent increase or decrease measured between two values. For example, if the final value increases X% from the starting value, we can say there is an X% change. Similarly, if the final value decreases Y% from the starting value, we can say there is a -Y% change. The positive change denotes an increase and the negative change denotes a decrease.

How is Percentage Change Calculated?

The percentage change is calculated using the following formula.

Percent Change =  
X2 - X1
  ×  100

X1 = Starting value,
X2 = Final value.

Let's take some examples.

Example 1:

Suppose, the starting value is $9500 and the final value is $12000. Calculate the percentage change between given values.


Starting value (X1) = $9500,
Final value (X2) = $12000.

Now, place the above values in the percentage change formula.

Percent Change =  
X2 - X1
  ×  100
12000 - 9500
  ×  100   =  26.31%

So, the final value is 26.31% increased from the starting value.

Example 2:

Suppose, a product cost is $45 and there is a flat discount of $10 on the selling price. Calculate how much percent you saved.


Starting value (X1) = $45,
Final value (X2) = $45 - $10 (flat discount) = $35.

Percent Change =  
X2 - X1
  ×  100
35 - 45
  ×  100   =  -22.22%

Therefore, you saved 22.22% from the original price.

Example 3:

Suppose, the starting value is $100 and a percentage change is 20%. Calculate the final value based on the given parameters.


Starting value (X1) = $100,
Percent Change = 20%.

Percent Change =  
X2 - X1
  ×  100
20% =  
X2 - 100
  ×  100

X2 = 20 + 100 = 120

So, after a 20% change, the final value would be $120.

Also, you can use the following formula to directly calculate the final value.

Final Value(X2) =  
6 × 100

= 120